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Fishing at McKinnon Flats Alberta

Article By: Joe Seaborne 2021-07-31

Today I decided to head out to McKinnon Flats for a day of fishing on the Bow. This is a great place to check out if you’re in the Calgary area because it’s such a beautiful getaway that’s not only a fishing hotspot but also a peaceful place to sit back and escape life for a while.

How to get to McKinnon Flats

Getting to McKinnon Flats is simple, take the 22X to Range Road 274 and head south until you reach a sign that says McKinnon Flats, then keep driving down the gravel road until you arrive at the main parking lot.

If you are going to McKinnon flats on a beautiful Saturday morning, I recommend going early (especially if you have a boat trailer). This place gets busy, and the parking lot fills up quickly!

What are the fishing Regulations for McKinnon Flats?

McKinnon Flats is in the Alberta Fishing Regulations under ES1. Below I’ve included a link to the regulations so you can check them out.

ALberta Fishing Regulations ES1

What type of fish are there at McKinnon Flats?

I’ve caught mostly trout and one pike, but walleye, burbot and whitefish are also listed in the regulations.

Does McKinnon Flats have any amenities?

There’s an outhouse located in the main parking lot.

Are you allowed to go camping at McKinnon Flats?

Unfortunately, camping is not allowed.

Is there a boat launch?

Yes, there’s an access point to the river on the east side of the parking lot.

Where I’ve had the best luck fishing

Using the main parking lot as a reference point, I like to walk west for approximately 15 minutes, to where the terrain is hilly and the rivers deeper along the shoreline.

While fishing this area, I’ve caught mostly Rainbow Trout within proximity to shore with mostly spinners, small spoons, and flies.

Popular Trout Spinners

Popular Trout Spoons

Popular Trout Flies
